16 mm / 1:1:33 / color / mono / 82 min.
produced 1978-80
released 1980
produced by
Werner Penzel Filmproduktion
Irnfriedstrasse 9
D-80639 München
e-mail: wernerpenzel@aol.com
coproduced by
Lieurac Productions
2 Passage des Marais
F-75010 Paris
e-mail: lieurac@club-internet.fr
written and directed by
Werner Penzel
music composed and
performed by
Embryo and musicians
on the road through Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India
distributed by
Aventinstrasse 1
D-80469 München
e-mail: cinenomad@aol.com
Vagabunden Karawane
the bass of the diesel
drone interrupted by a screeching brake solo - each road has its own song.
the Hindu priest, laughing hysterically as he realizes the camera focusing
on him and he still keeps laughing after the film ran out - all your preconceived
concepts shattered by present tense reality - the argument over the last
bottle of whisky stashed away for the customs official in Iran - the night
of fear at the Secret Police - the first chillum after the Afghanistan
border - the people under the bridges of Calcutta and the cold morning
bath in the mountains of turkey...
the shared dream of being on the road, this powerful dream stronger than
all fears and horrors of disease, lack of money, borders and civil wars,
it pushes us on through the night when everybody on the buses is huddled
against each other, sound asleep, save for the drivers bent over the wheel,
leaving behind the serpentines of the passes and the desert roads stretching
out straight across the flats, the radio turned on full volume, hoping
for some decent music to keep you awake till the next stopover at some
desolate gas-station.
the camera plunging into the bottomless pit between mere technical limitations
and the irrevocability of each minute moment - after days becoming months
the film footage is counted by miles - right now - just about one year
after we set out for this trip - we're back in the editing room viewing
the director of the culture-institute with his abstract ideas right next
to the shy smile of the Afghani shepherd boy, the night in the Pakistani
circus tent dissolving to unexpected thunderstorm raging over riverbanks
in India where one woman of our tribe gave birth to her first child cheered
on by each and everybody, and the people of Calcutta jump up from their
seats on the ground to boogie with embryo's Afghani-Hindu-rock...
Baika, Wolke Sun Min,
Bella Obermaier, Ana Tamanini, Christian Burchard, Eva Pluvatsch, Stefan
Rustige, Hieonymus Parth, Roman Bunka, Grace Yoon, Werner Penzel, Fedra
de Faria, Dmitri Rugiero, Uve Müllrich, Slivka Pluvatsch, Doris Wedemeier,
Georg Kramer, Brian Greenman, Helena van Dantzig, Michael Wehmeier, Rolf
Sylvester, Catherine Pioch, Gunni Heidler
Christian Burchard,
Roman Bunka, Uve Müllrich, Michael Wehmeier
Phaban Baul Das, Swapan Baul Das, Malang Negrabi, Ustad Mohamed Omar,
Mohamed Aref, Friedemann Josch, T.S. Mani, Shashi Kimar, Ramesh Shotam,
Gopal Krishna, Raja Gopal, Chandram Duli, Satya Kumar, Chandra Sekchal,
Rama Mani, Ravi, Sampath Kumar, Louis Banks, Baba Jam Singh, Mahent Bhalkrishna
Bharti and many others
Werner Penzel
Helge Weindler, Pitt Koch, Michael Wehmeier, Doris Wedemeier, Wilhelm
Schulz, Peter Clausen, Wolfgang Dobrowolny, Mahmud Nuri, Ron Orders
Helena van Dantzig
Brian Greenman
Christopher Price, Rolf Sylvester, Gunni Heidler, Etienne Conod
Willi Schwadorf
edited by
Fritz Baumann, Werner
written, produced and directed by
Werner Penzel

